Booster The ultimate bloom booster from the worlds biggest medicinal seed company! Green House Seed Company presents their bloom booster! This additive is especially formulated to provide the right amounts of Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium and micronutrients to increase flower and fruit production
This additive is especially formulated to provide the right amounts of Phosphorus,
Potassium, Magnesium and micronutrients to increase flower and fruit production.
0 - 30 - 27 PK+
- 30% [P2O5] Water Soluble Phosphate
- 27% [K2O] Water Soluble Potash
- 8,2% [MgO] Water Soluble Magnesium Oxide
- 0,03% [B] Water Soluble Boron
- 0,002% [Cu] Water Soluble Copper (as chelate from EDTA)
- 0,12% [Fe] Water Soluble Irom (as chelate from EDTA)
- 0.05% [Mn] Water Soluble Manganese (as chelate from EDTA)
- 0.005% [Mo] Water Soluble Molybdenum
- 0.01% [Zn] Water Soluble Zinc
Weeks 3 & 4 = 2-3gr/10L Booster + base nutrient
Weeks 5 & 6 = 3-4gr/10L Booster + base nutrient
Weeks 7 & 8 = 4-5gr/10L Booster + base nutrient