Green House Powder Feeding Long Flower is a powerful hydroponic or soil nutrient solution!
It has been researched and designed for use in both vegetative and floral stages of growth!
Designed for plants with a long lifespan (10+ week flower). ‘Long Flowering’ is a single-part, complete powdered fertiliser solution. Powder Feeding LF provides optimum development for the complete life cycle of the plant!
Powder Feeding contains all the required macro and trace elements required for rapid and lush healthy plant growth. The Long Flower formula would be best used for plants with an extended flowering period (>10 weeks) or any heavy fruiting or flowering crops.
GHSC Powder Feeding can be successfully used in hydro/coco or soil applications.
For best results consult the relevant feed chart
Seedlings/Rooted Cuttings
2.5 - 5gr./ 10 Lt. Water (aqua)
Mother Plants (3 weeks+)
10gr./ 10 Lt. Water (aqua)
IN SOIL: Feed every other watering.
IN COCO: Feed at every watering & flush once per week.
IN HYDROPONICS: Feed at every watering.
- 18% N Total Nitrogen
- 10% NS Nitrogen Nitrate
- 8% NA Nitrogen Ammoniacal
- 12% P2O5 Nitrogen Phosphorus
- 18% K2O Soluble Potassium
- 1.2% Mg Soluble Magnesium (=1.2% Mg)
- 0.02% B Soluble Boron
- 0.04% Cu Soluble Copper (as Chelate form EDTA)
- 0.1% Fe Soluble Iron (as Chelate form EDTA)
- 0.05% Mn Soluble Manganese (as Chelate from EDTA)
- 0.01% Mo Soluble Molybdenum
- 0.01% Zn Soluble Zinc (as Chelate from EDTA)