Nutrifield Auto-Feed offers a watering system that can meet the needs of any grower, from the greenhouse in your garden to acres of commercial glasshouses. With the AQUAvalve technology, each individual plant controls their own irrigation, receiving fresh nutrient enriched water exactly when they need it. This ensures even growth across the entire crop by consistently meeting the plant's requirements. The 1Pot module is the best seller for Nutrifield Auto-Feed and performs well in national and international horticultural markets. It enables gardeners and growers of all abilities to achieve incredible yields from their plants, and the system can be easily extended. The 1Pot System is modular and can be spaced apart as plants grow. Once assembled, the system takes care of all the plant's feeding requirements, providing them with fresh, balanced feed throughout their entire life cycle.
Nutrifield Auto-Feed offers an easy and efficient watering system for all manner of crops, whether edible or ornamental. Using their watering systems means healthier, heavier yielding plants that receive fresh feed whenever they need it. The system can be left unattended for weeks, without daily watering. All their systems operate without electricity, pumps, timers or mains water, making them one of the most water efficient irrigation systems worldwide. The AQUAvalve5 is supplied with every Nutrifield Auto-Feed Watering System, and it controls the flow of water to the plants by simple gravity pressure from a reservoir or tank of any size. It opens to supply water to a 20mm depth and then closes, repeating the cycle once the plants have used that supply.
The Nutrifield Auto Feed 4 Pot 15L Kit includes all necessary components for an efficient and reliable watering system :
• 1 x 47L Reservoir
• 4 x 15L Pot
• 4 x 1Pot Tray and Lid
• 4 x Aqua Valve 5
• 4 x Marix Disc
• 4 x Root Control Disc
• 4m of 9mm Pipe
• 1 x 9mm Top Hat Grommet
• 1 x 9mm Golf Filter
• 2 x 9mm In Line Tap
• 4 x 9mm Tee Connector
• 2 x 9mm Cross Connector