SNS DC Disease & Fungal Control Pouch

Sale price$12.00 AUD


Where to use our Organic Disease & Fungicide spray

Home & Gardens





Benefits of using our Organic Disease & Fungal Control

Organic solution to your disease and fungal concerns

Can be used up to harvest (0-Day REI)

Safe around children & pets when used as directed

Can be used in organic production, EPA Exempt Fifra 25 (b)


How our Organic Disease & Fungicide spray for plants

DC provides a barrier and protective preservative shield for plants to heal and protect them against damaging microbes. The barrier is harmless to the plant but distasteful and toxic to molds, mildew, fungus and bacteria. DC smothers the microbial cell wall in preservatives and inhibitors that prevent fungus, bacteria, & molds from decomposing the plant cell wall. Plants are constantly exposed to the elements. Rainfall, irrigation and sunlight all play a part in diseases and how to control them. DC penetrates the microbial cell wall and builds a protected coating against the elements thus keeping the active ingredients available longer to use against the microbes. Natural preservatives are used to stop decomposition of the plant cell wall thus adding an active natural healing action to the plant not just a controlling action against microbes.

DC is made up of 100% pure botanical extracts highly water soluble. We process raw certified organic botanicals and herbs in-house, ensuring oils and terpenes have a consistent potency across all of our products. The botanical extracts are all food grade GRAS (generally recognized as safe when used as directed) materials, that are fully biodegradable, and not toxic to animals. It is exempt from EPA registration under minimum risk pesticide exempted under FIFRA section 25(b). It can be used on a wide variety of plants, fruits, and vegetables.

Types of disease our Organic Fungicide gets rid of

 DC kills Black mold, Leaf Rust, Mildew, Bacterial Blast & more.


Mixing Compatibility

Mix DC with PC and 209


How to mix our Organic Disease & Fungal Control concentrate

Mixing: Shake well before mixing. Mix 3-8 oz. of concentrate per gallon of water. For best results use warm (70) Distilled or “Chlorine Free” water.

Foliar Spray: Spray all plant parts (leaves, stems, stalk, crowns, & other). Spraying lightly on top of the soil may be helpful in reducing unwanted yeast & molds.

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