Tribus Original
Tribus Original is a highly concentrated blend of three growth-promoting rhizobacteria that can be used with organic or conventional growing practices to increase crop quality and quantity from seedling through harvest in any type of cultivation system. These bacteria work symbiotically with the plant by producing enzymes and other biochemicals that maximize nutrient availability and uptake, improving root and stem growth and increasing the plant’s growth rate and yield. Tribus® Original can be used on seedlings + clones and can be applied up to the day of harvest. Tribus® Original is an All-In-One; it’s the only microbial product you need to use on any plant that you’re growing. As long as it has roots, Tribus will help!
Consortia: Tribus Original is a combination of three growth-promoting bacteria that work synergistically to promote aggressive plant growth. Together, these bacteria mobilise locked-out and soil-bound nutrients that are otherwise unavailable to the plant and encourage root growth for greater nutrient and water uptake.
Efficacy: From the field to the greenhouse, Tribus promotes rapid plant growth in ways traditional inputs can’t. The high concentration of bacteria ensures efficacy even at extremely low application rates, and the nutrient-mobilising capabilities of Tribus mean that most farmers can fertilise less and yield more while improving their soil quality for years to come
Persistence: The bacteria in Tribus have each other’s backs. On top of their endospore-forming ability, which helps them stick to soil particles instead of washing-out and helps them survive fluctuations in pH, water and nutrients, and temperatures, each species of bacteria in Tribus help each other thrive in the root zone. This means that Tribus continues to work in complex field-soil ecosystems where other inoculants lose efficacy almost immediately after application.
Universal: Tribus can be tank-mixed and applied with all types of fertilisers, bio stimulants, other beneficial microorganisms, and even most pesticides to save you time and effort. Because Tribus is highly salt- and pH-tolerant, you don’t have to worry about losing efficacy when mixing with strong fertilisers. Plus, Tribus is free-flowing, so it won’t clog injectors, drip lines, or hydroponic systems. Ever.